We are subject matter experts dedicated to the UAP issue.

Our Charter: Improving aerospace safety by enhancing scientific knowledge of, and mitigating barriers to the study of, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) ​

We are subject matter experts dedicated to the UAP issue.

Our Charter: Improving aerospace safety by enhancing scientific knowledge of, and mitigating barriers to the study of, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) ​

We represent the UAP topic for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ almost 30,000 members​​

We are an AIAA Integration and Outreach Committee with a staff of subject matter experts dedicated to the UAP Issue. We collaborate and work with the AIAA’s 70+ technical committees and 20+ integration and outreach division committees. Together, we represent one of the nation's largest collective resources available for technical UAP study​.​

Our Aerospace Professionals Include:



Aerospace Engineers

Aerospace Engineers

Electrical Engineers

Electrical Engineers

RF Engineers

RF Engineers



Space and Aviation Psychologists

Space and Aviation Psychologists



Human Factors Engineers

Human Factors Engineers

All Dedicated to the UAP Issue